Nice serials

Notes have been entered up to: 1 year ago, 3 months ago, 1 week ago.

Serial number Value entered on in
**AAAAAABB*B 2013-07-21 Madrid
***BBAAAAAB* 2015-03-11 Madrid
*A**BAAAAABB 2012-11-14 Madrid
**AAAAA**BB* 2014-04-24 Madrid
**AAAAA***BB 2012-12-22 Santo Domingo-Caudilla
***BB*AAAAA* 2009-09-20 Torrijos
***AAAA***BB 2015-02-19 Madrid
*DAAA*BBCCDD 2013-01-18 Madrid
**A*AAA*BBB* 2015-01-19 Madrid
*CC**AAA*BBB 2008-01-21 Madrid

Numbers in a row

3616 note(s) (56.53% of total) have 2 numbers in a row.
434 note(s) (6.78% of total) have 3 numbers in a row.
42 note(s) (0.66% of total) have 4 numbers in a row.
8 note(s) (0.13% of total) have 5 numbers in a row.
1 note(s) (0.02% of total) have 6 numbers in a row.

Different digits

2 note(s) (0.03% of total) contain 3 different digits.
60 note(s) (0.94% of total) contain 4 different digits.
536 note(s) (8.38% of total) contain 5 different digits.
1750 note(s) (27.36% of total) contain 6 different digits.
2419 note(s) (37.81% of total) contain 7 different digits.
1355 note(s) (21.18% of total) contain 8 different digits.
264 note(s) (4.13% of total) contain 9 different digits.
11 note(s) (0.17% of total) contain 10 different digits.