Biggest Cities of Germany (7/78)
Name |
Scheine |
Anteil |
Percent of  |
02 Hamburg |
2 |
0.17% |
0.17% |
04 Köln |
99 |
8.45% |
8.59% |
07 Düsseldorf |
559 |
47.74% |
48.48% |
13 Hannover |
3 |
0.26% |
0.26% |
17 Wuppertal |
1 |
0.09% |
0.09% |
25 Aachen |
52 |
4.44% |
4.51% |
49 Leverkusen |
1 |
0.09% |
0.09% |
Gesamt |
717 |
61.23% |
62.19% |
Bundesländer of Germany (4/16)
Name |
Scheine |
Anteil |
Percent of  |
Hamburg |
2 |
0.17% |
0.17% |
Niedersachsen |
3 |
0.26% |
0.26% |
Nordrhein-Westfalen |
1146 |
97.87% |
99.39% |
Rheinland-Pfalz |
2 |
0.17% |
0.17% |
Gesamt |
1153 |
98.46% |
100.00% |
Cities of Germany / Städte Deutschlands (10/2077)
Name |
Scheine |
Anteil |
Percent of  |
Hamburg |
2 |
0.17% |
0.17% |
Hannover |
3 |
0.26% |
0.26% |
Aachen |
52 |
4.44% |
4.51% |
Düsseldorf |
549 |
46.88% |
47.61% |
Köln |
99 |
8.45% |
8.59% |
Langenfeld (Rheinland) |
2 |
0.17% |
0.17% |
Leverkusen |
1 |
0.09% |
0.09% |
Monheim am Rhein |
432 |
36.89% |
37.47% |
Wuppertal |
1 |
0.09% |
0.09% |
Speyer |
2 |
0.17% |
0.17% |
Gesamt |
1143 |
97.61% |
99.13% |
Hamburger Bezirke (Districts of Hamburg) (1/7)
Name |
Scheine |
Anteil |
Percent of  |
Altona |
2 |
0.17% |
0.17% |
Gesamt |
2 |
0.17% |
0.17% |
Kreisfreie Städte, kreisangehörige Städte und Gemeinden Niedersachsen (1/1022)
Name |
Scheine |
Anteil |
Percent of  |
Landkreis Region Hannover (H)
Hannover |
3 |
0.26% |
0.26% |
Gesamt |
3 |
0.26% |
0.26% |
Kreisfreie Städte, kreisangehörige Städte und Gemeinden Nordrhein-Westfalen (7/396)
Name |
Scheine |
Anteil |
Percent of  |
Kreis Mettmann (ME)
Langenfeld (Rheinland) |
2 |
0.17% |
0.17% |
Monheim am Rhein |
432 |
36.89% |
37.47% |
Kreisfreie Stadt Aachen (AC)
Aachen |
52 |
4.44% |
4.51% |
Kreisfreie Stadt Düsseldorf (D)
Düsseldorf |
559 |
47.74% |
48.48% |
Kreisfreie Stadt Köln (K)
Köln |
99 |
8.45% |
8.59% |
Kreisfreie Stadt Leverkusen (LEV)
Leverkusen |
1 |
0.09% |
0.09% |
Kreisfreie Stadt Wuppertal (W)
Wuppertal |
1 |
0.09% |
0.09% |
Gesamt |
1146 |
97.87% |
99.39% |
Kreisfreie Städte, kreisangehörige Städte und Gemeinden Rheinland-Pfalz (1/2306)
Name |
Scheine |
Anteil |
Percent of  |
Kreisfreie Stadt Speyer (SP)
Speyer |
2 |
0.17% |
0.17% |
Gesamt |
2 |
0.17% |
0.17% |
Kölner Stadtbezirke (1/46)
Name |
Scheine |
Anteil |
Percent of  |
50968 Bayenthal / Marienburg / Raderberg / Raderthal |
99 |
8.45% |
8.59% |
Gesamt |
99 |
8.45% |
8.59% |
Landkreise und Kreisfreie Städte of Germany (see forum) (9/413)
Name |
Scheine |
Anteil |
Percent of  |
Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg
Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg (HH) |
2 |
0.17% |
0.17% |
Landkreis Region Hannover (H) |
3 |
0.26% |
0.26% |
Kreisfreie Stadt Aachen (AC) |
52 |
4.44% |
4.51% |
Kreisfreie Stadt Düsseldorf (D) |
559 |
47.74% |
48.48% |
Kreisfreie Stadt Köln (K) |
99 |
8.45% |
8.59% |
Kreisfreie Stadt Leverkusen (LEV) |
1 |
0.09% |
0.09% |
Kreisfreie Stadt Wuppertal (W) |
1 |
0.09% |
0.09% |
Kreis Mettmann (ME) |
434 |
37.06% |
37.64% |
Kreisfreie Stadt Speyer (SP) |
2 |
0.17% |
0.17% |
Gesamt |
1153 |
98.46% |
100.00% |
Postalcodes / Postleitzahlen (8/95)
Name |
Scheine |
Anteil |
Percent of  |
22xxx (Hamburg Nord/West) |
2 |
0.17% |
0.17% |
30xxx (Hannover) |
3 |
0.26% |
0.26% |
40xxx (Düsseldorf) |
993 |
84.80% |
86.12% |
42xxx (Wuppertal) |
1 |
0.09% |
0.09% |
50xxx (Köln linksrheinisch) |
99 |
8.45% |
8.59% |
51xxx (Köln rechtsrheinisch) |
1 |
0.09% |
0.09% |
52xxx (Aachen) |
52 |
4.44% |
4.51% |
67xxx (Ludwigshafen) |
2 |
0.17% |
0.17% |
Gesamt |
1153 |
98.46% |
100.00% |
Autonomous Communities of Spain/Comunidades autónomas (1/17)
Name |
Scheine |
Anteil |
Percent of  |
Catalunya/Cataluña |
5 |
0.43% |
100.00% |
Gesamt |
5 |
0.43% |
100.00% |
Municipis i comarques de Catalunya (under construction) (1/485)
Name |
Scheine |
Anteil |
Percent of  |
14 Barcelonès
Barcelona |
5 |
0.43% |
100.00% |
Gesamt |
5 |
0.43% |
100.00% |
Provinces of Spain/Provincias de España (1/50)
Name |
Scheine |
Anteil |
Percent of  |
Barcelona |
5 |
0.43% |
100.00% |
Gesamt |
5 |
0.43% |
100.00% |
100 Comuni più popolosi d'Italia / 100 Comuni of Italy with more inhabitants (3/100)
Name |
Scheine |
Anteil |
Percent of  |
59 Pisa 87.411 |
2 |
0.17% |
20.00% |
61 Lucca 83.829 |
2 |
0.17% |
20.00% |
92 Viareggio 64.049 |
1 |
0.09% |
10.00% |
Gesamt |
5 |
0.43% |
50.00% |
Comuni della Liguria (2/235)
Name |
Scheine |
Anteil |
Percent of  |
Provincia di La Spezia
Riomaggiore |
1 |
0.09% |
10.00% |
Vernazza |
4 |
0.34% |
40.00% |
Gesamt |
5 |
0.43% |
50.00% |
Comuni della Toscana (3/280)
Name |
Scheine |
Anteil |
Percent of  |
Provincia di Lucca
Lucca |
2 |
0.17% |
20.00% |
Viareggio |
1 |
0.09% |
10.00% |
Provincia di Pisa
Pisa |
2 |
0.17% |
20.00% |
Gesamt |
5 |
0.43% |
50.00% |
Cinque Terre (2/5)
Name |
Scheine |
Anteil |
Percent of  |
Manarola |
1 |
0.09% |
10.00% |
Vernazza |
4 |
0.34% |
40.00% |
Gesamt |
5 |
0.43% |
50.00% |
Città italiane divise in zone postali / Italian cities with more postal codes (1/655)
Name |
Scheine |
Anteil |
Percent of  |
Non più usati / No more used
56100 Pisa |
2 |
0.17% |
20.00% |
Gesamt |
2 |
0.17% |
20.00% |
Codici postali d'Italia / Postal codes of Italy (3/93)
Name |
Scheine |
Anteil |
Percent of  |
19xxx |
5 |
0.43% |
50.00% |
55xxx |
3 |
0.26% |
30.00% |
56xxx |
2 |
0.17% |
20.00% |
Gesamt |
10 |
0.85% |
100.00% |
Comuni vinicoli della Liguria (2/204)
Name |
Scheine |
Anteil |
Percent of  |
Cinque Terre
Riomaggiore (Cinque Terre) |
1 |
0.09% |
10.00% |
Vernazza (Cinque Terre) |
4 |
0.34% |
40.00% |
Gesamt |
5 |
0.43% |
50.00% |
Comuni vinicoli della Toscana (1/479)
Name |
Scheine |
Anteil |
Percent of  |
Colline Lucchesi
Lucca (Colline Lucchesi) |
2 |
0.17% |
20.00% |
Gesamt |
2 |
0.17% |
20.00% |
Distretti amministrativi e Comprensori della Liguria (1/26)
Name |
Scheine |
Anteil |
Percent of  |
Distretti amministrativi della Provincia della Spezia
Riviera spezzina |
5 |
0.43% |
50.00% |
Gesamt |
5 |
0.43% |
50.00% |
Località di residenza dei primi 100 inseritori italiani / Italian Top 100 users' home-locations (1/79)
Name |
Scheine |
Anteil |
Percent of  |
Pisa [gheddy] |
2 |
0.17% |
20.00% |
Gesamt |
2 |
0.17% |
20.00% |
Province d'Italia / Provinces of Italy (3/110)
Name |
Scheine |
Anteil |
Percent of  |
La Spezia |
5 |
0.43% |
50.00% |
Lucca |
3 |
0.26% |
30.00% |
Pisa |
2 |
0.17% |
20.00% |
Gesamt |
10 |
0.85% |
100.00% |
Regioni confinanti con l'estero (1/10)
Name |
Scheine |
Anteil |
Percent of  |
Regioni confinanti con la Francia
Liguria |
5 |
0.43% |
50.00% |
Gesamt |
5 |
0.43% |
50.00% |
Regioni d'Italia / Regioni of Italy (2/20)
Name |
Scheine |
Anteil |
Percent of  |
Liguria |
5 |
0.43% |
50.00% |
Toscana |
5 |
0.43% |
50.00% |
Gesamt |
10 |
0.85% |
100.00% |
Powiaty w Polsce - Counties of Poland (2/376)
Name |
Scheine |
Anteil |
Percent of  |
Mazowieckie (W)
Miasto Radom |
1 |
0.09% |
33.33% |
Podkarpackie (R)
Leżajski |
2 |
0.17% |
66.67% |
Gesamt |
3 |
0.26% |
100.00% |
Województwa w Polsce - Regions of Poland (2/16)
Name |
Scheine |
Anteil |
Percent of  |
Mazowieckie (W) |
1 |
0.09% |
33.33% |
Podkarpackie (R) |
2 |
0.17% |
66.67% |
Gesamt |
3 |
0.26% |
100.00% |