Hit summary

Hits: 42 (35 national and 7 international), plus 0 moderated

Normal hits: 42
Triples: 0
Quadruples: 0
Pentuples: 0

Best Worst Current
Hit ratios 104.71 275.00 126.60

Hit finder/maker - giver/getter ratio: 20 - 22 (47.6% - 52.4%)

Best Average Worst Current
Days between 0 59.00 226 109
Notes between 0 119.62 529 273

Next hit should occur on average on 2013-08-31 (or it's a dry spell )

Minimum Average Maximum
Travel days 3 388.36 1248
Travel kilometers 11 166.95 796

Hit/hitless days: 39 - 2588 (1.48% - 98.48%)
Longest period of consecutive hit days: 1 days (2007-03-27 - 2007-03-27)
Current consecutive hit days: 0 days

Consecutive hit days
Start End Days

Hit ratio by value
: 46.61
: 205.67
: 604.00
: 301.33

Hits by combination
P/X - 11 (26.19%)
R/X - 9 (21.43%)
L/U - 8 (19.05%)
M/V - 6 (14.29%)
E/P - 2 (4.76%)
U/M - 2 (4.76%)
G/P - 2 (4.76%)
F/N - 1 (2.38%)
V/V - 1 (2.38%)

Frequent hit partner Hits % of all hits
ProChrist 8 19.05%
G,Müller & family 4 9.52%
BGO 2 4.76%
joergb30 2 4.76%
Schach & family 2 4.76%
Nur der HSV ! 2 4.76%

Hits with same kilometers and days